Monday, 9 September 2013

IOS Batman Arkham City

For many gamers, Batman Ark ham City has long since been put to bed, even if you spent the time to complete all the optional and downloadable content. So it comes as a surprise to see Warner Bros. and Nether Realm Studios dropping a mini-prequel to their console title this late in the proceedings, but fans like me aren't going to look down on what is essentially late gift (or is that an early Christmas present?).

Unfortunately the timing of the game isn't terribly opportune as its game play, much like its game engine, falls in to the same category as Infinity Blade and its ilk. You, as Batman, take on miniature missions beating down a sequence of Bad Guys (tm), dodging, countering and punching them in turn until their boss deigns you worthy enough for direct combat.

Once you clear the board and re-capture the Joker, you start from the beginning with slightly harder foes. It’s a shame the formula is so rote and simplistic, especially when the game is set between the two major console titles and there's little to no story to speak of to motivate Batman’s actions - it's literally 'The baddies have escaped the Asylum, go round them up’. Where combat with each villain’s minions feels like a permanent case of déjà vu, taking on the head-honchos is another thing altogether as their scripted fights often require adaption to your style of combat to succeed.

Grundy, for example, requires speed execution of dodges before you can clock him in the jaw, while Death stroke plays a deadly back-and-forth game with Batman that requires perfect execution to succeed. At first it's hard to complain about the combat, especially when it's presented in such high-definition, acting as almost a miniaturized version of the full game, however this comes at a price.

Firstly I almost burned my hand on my phone 4S, something that hasn't happened in a longtime, but more importantly the amount of actual combat animations is woefully small, making combat all the more monotonous as a result. The compensation for beating people in the face comes in the form of WayneTech points, which can be spent on gadgets and general upgrades to add some personality to the combat, but for the most part they're florid extras that add no real complexity to the combat. ‘Costumes' can also be purchased for a price, changing Batman's base statistics for health, combat, and speed, but aside from this it's simply an aesthetic change.

 For an action game based on a title with smooth, flawless, multi-target combat, Ark ham City Lockdown comes off as a rather drab showing of a handful of uninspired minions punctuated occasionally by interesting, but otherwise story less combat sequences with Batman's rogue’s gallery. It's a pretty game and one that is worth playing through at least once, but it’s hard to justify coming back for more.

 great site

Friday, 30 August 2013

League of Legends Patch 3.9 and Riot Points Giveaway

Map specific balancing, loading screen changes, Sejauni gets a new skin, Master Yi gets an update, and I don't know you can have the curse logo as your summoner icon. All that and a riot point’s giveaway right now on the league update. Akali isn't playable in twisted tree line straight up. Every since they introduced the spectral lantern Akali hasn't been playable in that map. Don't know what I'm talking about? Take a look and its things like these why no one take twisted tree line seriously however all of that is about to change because Riot has officially announce map specific balancing. As of patch 3.9 Singed is weaker in twisted tree line and Kassadin is weaker when played in the crystals. Now you may think this is no big deal but this change opens the floodgates to balance changes that don't affect summoners’ rift. In laymen's terms Twisted Tree line could actually get balanced! In case you're pretentious golden border just wasn't enough to piss your friends off now you can shove your summoner’s icon down their throat.

Summoners will be able to see to her summoners icons in the loading screen for summoner’s rift and all the other maps too. While this is cool it's no where near as cool as the fact that your summoners icon could be the CURSE LOGO! The season three team icons will soon be on sale for 250 Riot Points. 20% of this goes straight into my pocket but the rest goes towards promoting esports and prizes and all that good stuff so do yourself a favor and represent the team. They need you right now. In other news I will let you finish but Sejuani's new skin could be the coolest skin of all time. Look at it!! She's riding a Russian bear tank!! Does it get any better than that? I defy you to give me a cooler skin idea, in fact if you come up with something more awesome than Sejuani riding a Russian bear tank I will give you 2800 Riot Points. But be warned only one of you can win, so your idea better be that good. Finally everyone's favorite ninja Shen is getting a rework! O waits O no, I've made a horrible mistake, it's not everyone's favorite ninja, it's everyone's least favorite samurai master Yi. Why?

He was already getting so much play already. Well regardless of why they did it I have to say that the new Yi looks pretty damn nice. In addition to the visual update Morello stated that the rework aims to merge the most enjoyable aspects of AP and AD Yi into one single cohesive play style. In addition more emphasis will be places on Yi's abilities so he's less frustrating in lower level play and scales better with player skill. Furthermore if you don't build AP there's almost no incentive to master your active skills -- Meditate isn't a very effective disengage and Alpha Strike can actually make you lose DPS since you could be attacking during the cast animation. So at the end of the day master Yi fans will be happy and all the haters will probably be happy to. That does it for these weeks’ news thanks for joining me on the league update.